Hypothesis: what do you think will happen...
1. Pour approximately 50mL of copper sulfate solution into a beaker.
2. Add the same volume of sodium carbonate solution. A reaction will happen, you should see a cloudy blue precipitate form. Called copper carbonate.
3. Watch demo then fold filter paper to fit inside the funnel
4. Place the funnel with the filter paper inside of it, into the mouth of a conical flask.
5. Stir the mixture in the beaker, then carefully pour it into the funnel.
6. Observe what happened.
Observations and Discussion: what you saw happen and why do you think it happened.
The copper sulfate + Sodium sulfate were clear but then when you mixed them together it made to foggie and you couldn´t see through it anymore.
Serial Dilution: repeated divulting (making it weaker)
water + potassium permanganate - mixture/solution.
1.Water 10 mL 2. 5mL 3. 5mL 4. 5mL 5. 5mL 6. 5mL
Most concentrated. Least concentrated.
Most KMn04. Most Water
least water. least KMn04
least Dilute. Most Dilute.
The biggest one had the most purple and had the most in it, you had to put 5mL in each one so it can be all even. Number 6 was the lightest because it was the last to go in and that you couldn't take any of the purple stuff that was in the the biggest one from the start, it had to be all even so at the end they could be the same hight. I hope you have enjoyed my blog, please leave a positive, helpful and thoughtful comment down below.