
Friday, November 23, 2018

Attitude Talk

                                             ATTITUDE TALK
 Hello everyone on Tuesday we had a talk about attitude talk it was really funny, and yeah but attitude talk is basically having a positive attitude around teachers family members and friends.

It also means not saying stupid stuff and not swearing and all kind of stuff. At the attitude talk I really learned heaps of things like just be yourself around other people and be kind around them too.

Monday, November 19, 2018

Passion Project...

The 2nd Part To Our Passion Project
It is now the 2nd week for our passion project and our group has done amazing but now we are focusing on asking the principal if some of the students from hornby primary can come and learn some skills and tips how to play football and after that we will be having a 2 or more games. but now our next step will be getting the teams shorted and that's all we have done for now hope you enjoyed it byeee....