
Friday, July 7, 2017

Timbernook Fun!!!

Hi boys and girls it's TJ here what I'm gonna talk about is Timbernook. Timbernook was fun and I did fell over a lot of times but I still had fun. And here is  a photo of Timbernook. hope the kids that go to Timbernook I hope you think it was fun bye everyone see you next time bye.


  1. I like your timbernook keep it up by bailey.

  2. Hi Tj Ethan from tawa
    i like the timbernook picture and the kids running around it would be a bit cooler if it was our school aye.maybe next time put more info about you later.

  3. Hi Tj it is Tane from tawa class good job on this maybe you should of put more words on here is a question how long did it take you to make this.


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